Scheduling your stay

Whether you prefer to spend time in your second home during the peak seasons, the shoulder seasons or the quieter months of the year, planning your stays is easy with Lazazu’s intuitive and equitable scheduling system. Once you become a co-owner of your beautiful holiday home you will be able to schedule your stay at a click of a button. The scheduling system consists of a clear set of rules and a simple algorithm that ensures that all owners have equal access to the property during the course of the year, over multiple years of ownership and specifically over peak seasons. Here are some of the most important booking guidelines:
How many nights do I have per share?
Each ⅛ share allows you to use your vacation home exclusively for 45 nights per year. Unused stay nights cannot be carried over into the next year.
Can I use my home during peak holiday periods?
We define the peak period(s) individually for each property based on its seasonal nature, and each ⅛ share is guaranteed one week use of the home per peak period. Co-owners who own multiple shares may group the weeks together. For a summer home, the months of July and August typically constitute the peak season.
What is the minimum and maximum stay duration?
The minimum stay duration is two nights. If you own one ⅛ share, the maximum stay duration is 21 consecutive nights and if you own two or more shares, a maximum of 28 nights applies.
How long in advance do I need to book my stay?
Provided the dates are available, you can schedule your stays as little as 48 hours ahead.
Is it possible to use more than my allocated nights per share?
In case you have already used or scheduled your 45 stay nights for the booking year, you can still request further stays. To offset the costs for the other co-owners, a small nightly operating fee will be charged.
Can my children and guests stay in my holiday home without me?
Children over the age of 18 years and registered guests may use the house without the co-owner being present.
Can I rent out my used allocated nights?
Yes, you can unless there are specific local licence restrictions, which we will advise you on well in advance of purchasing your share. To help with maintaining standards and ensuring a consistent experience for all owners, we provide an end-to-end rental service.
Booking your holiday in your second home is an effortless experience with Lazazu – simply open your app and schedule your next stay. Your home manager will be available to assist you with any questions you may have along the way. If you haven’t found your dream home yet, let us help you find what you’re looking for by scheduling a call with one of our team members or fill in our contact form and we’ll contact you.
Discover more about Lazazu:
How Lazazu co-ownership works | Frequently asked questions about shared holiday homes | The benefits of fractional ownership | Browse Lazazu’s selection of second homes | The difference between timeshare and co-ownership